Dear AE Grad Students,
You are invited to our last Townhall for this semester! It will be on March 27th from 4 PM - 5 PM in MK 317. This meeting is our annual elections meeting. Pizza will be provided. To join the meeting, please RSVP here:
Officer Elections:
If you would like to run for an officer position or nominate someone else, please submit the following candidacy form by March 21st 11:59 PM EST. Form can be found here: The officer positions are:
- President: The President will be the senior executive officer of the Executive Board, will have general supervision of the affairs of the AE GSA, and will preside at meetings. The President will represent the organization at conferences, conventions, and faculty or alumni meetings. (Time commitment ~1hr/wk)
- Vice-President: The Vice-President will be the junior executive officer and will act on the behalf of the President in the event of their absence. (Time commitment ~1hr/wk)
- Secretary: The Secretary will record the proceedings of each meeting, distribute the minutes to the members, and maintain the membership roster. (Time commitment ~1hr/wk)
- Treasurer: The Treasurer will serve as the finance officer, will maintain records of all revenue and expenditures, and ensure that generally accepted accounting practices and monetary controls are in place. (Time commitment ~1hr/wk)
- Social Media Chair: The Social Media Chair will prepare flyers for events and manage the organization's social media accounts. (Time commitment ~1hr/wk)
If you would like to run for a position, please also provide one slide about yourself with a short 90 second speech to be presented at the town hall. This is a great opportunity to get more involved with the aerospace department and community. Votes will be collected from those in attendance.