This presentation will focus on familiarizing interested researchers with working with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and The Water Research Foundation.


  • Chris Impellitteri - Director of Research and Development, The Water Tower, formerly Associate National Program Director, US EPA
  • Kristan VandenHeuvel - Director of Impact and Engagement, The Water Tower, formerly Research Manager, The Water Research Foundation

The BBISS Insights Series aims to address the evolving needs of the BBISS community and to help Georgia Tech researchers amplify their impact in the sustainability research domain. Some examples of planned activities include (1) expert seminars to help demystify the proposal development process for government and non-governmental funding agencies, (2) training and follow-on support to help researchers identify research opportunities and partners to build an impactful research program, (3) mentoring panels to pair junior researchers with senior researchers to help navigate the development of large research proposals, and (4) training and support on best practices for engaging community partners in long-term research projects. We will continue to update the BBISS Insight Series based on direct input from the BBISS community.