Flyer for "Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility at Missouri S&T - Ensuring Products are Immune to Electrostatic Discharge" event.

Date: March 5, 2025

Time: 12pm - 1pm (EST)

Virtual Registration:

Speaker: Daryl Beetner

Speaker's Title: Professor

Speaker's Affiliation: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology

Event Title: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility at Missouri S&T - Ensuring Products are Immune to Electrostatic Discharge

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is a common cause of failures in electronic products. Ensuring that ESD protection strategies adequately protect the device is challenging, particularly in the early stages of the design process. Methods of modeling the ESD protection to ensure adequate protection will be presented in this talk, with an emphasis on the modeling of the transient voltage suppressor (TVS). TVS are commonly a centerpiece of ESD protection strategies. Examples of their use in system-level ESD simulations will be included. A brief introduction to the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory at the Missouri University of Science and Technology will also be given. 

Speaker Bio:
Dr. Daryl Beetner is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, is the Director of the Missouri S&T Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory, is the Director of the Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility (an industry consortium enabled through the National Science Foundation), and is a Fellow of IEEE. He is a recipient of the IEEE EMC Society Technical Achievement Award and of many best paper awards and nominations, and is a member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of Governors.

12:00pm Welcome and Introduction to Guest Speaker
12:05pm Lecture
12:45pm Questions and Answers