Discover the keys to lasting joy and well-being at our event, "Sustainable Solutions for Happiness." This gathering will offer practical strategies and insightful discussions on how to cultivate enduring happiness in our everyday lives. Our current strategies for happiness are in question today due to the heavy environmental, social and economic footprint they leave, and the growing dissatisfaction people have started to notice. As Mahatma Gandhi wisely said, "What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another." Sustainability concerns rank in the top factors influencing our Happiness quotient today.

We have invited an external speaker who has been teaching meditation and yoga for over 22 years and has expertise balancing work and  study pressures using yoga strategies for daily life.

So, join us Wednesday July 3 @6pm for a deep discussion based on the ancient wisdom of yoga. Together we can embark upon a journey to re-tool our Happiness Toolkit with some yoga strategies.

The discussion will be followed by a 15 Min group Meditation.