Clean it up and Swap it out!
June 25 and June 26, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00. p.m. (both days)

Residents of the Petit Biotechnology Building (IBB), Krone Engineered Biosystems Building (EBB), and Marcus Nanotechnology Building are invited to bring unused and gently used items from their labs to their building's atrium or lobby for a Swap event. Items should only come from the labs within each respective building, but anyone from Georgia Tech's bio-community is welcome to "shop" at any of the building Swaps. 🛒

Members of the bio-community are encouraged to visit all three locations over the two-day event! 

Items permitted in the Swap:

  • Intact glassware
  • Unused plasticware
  • Non-contaminated materials
  • Non-inventoried equipment*

Chemicals, broken glassware, and contaminated materials should NOT be added to the Swap, but should be disposed of per EH&S guidelines. 

*If your lab has inventoried items to remove, contact the host building's facilities manager with the tag number: Jacob Bryson (IBB), Jason Dunn (EBB), Wade Johnston (Marcus).

Items not picked up from the atrium by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26 will be responsibly disposed by each building's facilities team.