How are sports shaped by sounds? How are artists, musicians, media producers, scholars, and sport practitioners uniquely situated to develop new possibilities for exploring the sport/sound nexus?

This event is a space for sharing works in progress that explore the connections between sports and sound. Attendees can introduce unfinished projects at any stage of development or present ideas and proposals for future work exploring the sports/sound nexus. Participants can share audio or other media during their presentations and will have opportunities to engage with audience questions and feedback. The workshop is designed to provide a forum for constructive and supportive discussion of works in progress while also serving as a space to build community and encourage future collaborations among those interested in this topic.

We welcome a broad range of entry points into the sport-sound nexus, which can include: scholarly research, theories, and methods; music and other creative productions or artistic works; podcasting; data sonification; sound installations or multimedia exhibits; music curation and sound archiving; community-based projects and social activism; and more.

Those interested in presenting at the workshop must submit a presentation/project description, short biography, and (optional) sample media file no later than April 12.

Registration is also requested for those wishing to attend the workshop as a presenter or audience member.

For more information about the workshop, visit the new Sound, Sport, and the Digital Website.

Please contact Mary McDonald ( with any questions.

Sound, Sport, and the Digital is part of the Sport and Digital Possibilities Project and is presented by The Sport, Society, and Technology Research Collective in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech.