Y’all hear that? It’s sounding like Carnival time once again! 🥳🎉🎊

This year, we are combining this popular event with Sports Day to serve you guys double the VIBES!

Carnival is a Caribbean cultural festival that features music, costumes, regalia, dancing, and more, typically in the form of a parade. Sports Day (similar to Field Day in America) is a common event in Caribbean schools that involves competitions where you can earn points for your house, which are teams assigned to students for their entire time in school. 

We’ll have Carnival favorites such as face jewels, music, powder, and paint, but we’ll also have Sports Day classics such as lime and spoon races, sprints, sac races, and more which can earn points for your house.

Plus, not only will we have AMAZING Caribbean food, but we also will have the BEST WINGS NEAR TECH, thanks to our generous sponsors, Wingnuts GT! Entry is only $5 for general admission and $3 for members.

Stay tuned for updates and more information in the next few weeks by following us on Instagram, @gt.caribsa.