Navigating Autism in Communities of Color documents caregiver experiences of obtaining a diagnosis, accessing services, and advocating for their children. Based on stories from six Black families and their children with autism, we examine the unique struggles of navigating autism in a structurally unequal society and their determination for equal access. In collaboration between the Georgia Tech Schools of History and Sociology and Literature, Media, and Communication and The Color of Autism Foundation, Navigating Autism offers a first-hand account of the challenges and hopes for a future that embraces autism in Black communities.

  • Director: John Thornton, Senior Academic Professional and Director of Film and Media Production, School of Literature, Media, and Communication, Georgia Tech
  • Producer: Jennifer Singh, Associate Professor, School of History and Sociology, Georgia Tech
  • Executive Producer: Camille Proctor, Founder, The Color of Autism Foundation

Visitor parking is available in the W02 Parking Deck located at 355 Ferst Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30332. Registration required.

Event Schedule

  • Documentary screening 7 – 8 p.m., Atlantic Theater (3rd floor) in the John Lewis Student Center
  • Panel discussion with filmmakers and participants 8 – 9 p.m., Atlantic Theater (3rd floor) in the John Lewis Student Center

Documentary Trailer