The Sustainability Showcase is part of SDG Week. Join us in the Atlantic Theater of the John Lewis Student Center for a morning panel discussion, followed by three lightning talk rounds.
9 - 10 AM | The Role of Philanthropy in Climate Action and Sustainable Development
- Kaye Husbands Fealing, Dean, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts (moderator)
- Blair Beasley, Managing Director, Environment, Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
- John Lanier; Executive Director, Ray C. Anderson Foundation
- Carlos Pagoaga, Senior Director, Circular Economy, The Coca Cola Foundation
- Suzanna Stribling, Executive Director, Glenn Family Foundation
10 AM – 1:30 PM | Lightning Talks Session I
These are 7-minute “lightning” talks by Georgia Tech researchers, staff, and partners on their sustainability research and projects. Please join us for as much of the session as possible and enjoy getting to know colleagues with like interests. (see PDF for most recent schedule)
More info on the Sustainability Showcase here.
More info on SDG Week here.