Ethics Week 2023

Join President Cabrera and Bill George for a fireside chat on the topic of Ethical Leadership, their personal experiences and reflections on lessons learned, and thoughts of the future.

Bill George is an executive fellow at Harvard Business School, where he was a Professor of Management Practice and Senior Fellow teaching leadership from 2004-2022. He is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Medtronic. He joined Medtronic in 1989 as president and chief operating officer, was chief executive officer from 1991-2001, and board chair from 1996-2002. Earlier in his career, he was a senior executive with Honeywell and Litton Industries and served in the U.S. Department of Defense.

Bill is the author of: True North: Emerging Leader Edition and True North Fieldbook: Emerging Leader Edition; Discover Your True North and The Discover Your True North Fieldbook; Authentic Leadership; True North and Finding Your True North, 7 Lessons for Leading in Crisis and True North Groups.

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