This symposium brings together current and former U.S. government officials and corporate representatives to discuss how U.S. economic diplomacy can be more effective. Breakfast and lunch will be provided to registrants.

The discussions will be structured around three topics:

  • Implications of U.S. economic and commercial diplomacy for American companies
  • Advancing U.S. business interests abroad
  • Leveraging economic tools to advance U.S. foreign policy objectives

Generously supported by the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation and Bank of America.

Co-sponsored by Georgia Tech CIBER and the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs.

Tentative Agenda

8:30 a.m. Breakfast

9 a.m. Welcome and Introduction of the New “Diplomat-in-Residence” Program and the Sam Nunn-Bank of America Policy Forum

  • Adam Stulberg, Sam Nunn Professor & Chair, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs & Associate Director, Strategic Energy Institute, Georgia Institute of Technology

9:15 a.m. Implications of U.S. economic and commercial diplomacy for American companies

  • Peter Carter, Executive Vice President–External Affairs, Delta Airlines
  • Clyde Tuggle, Co-Founder and Founding Partner of Pine Island Capital Partners and Senior Vice President of Global Public Affairs and Communications, The Coca-Cola Company
  • Moderator: Louise Blais, Ambassador (Ret.); Senior Advisor, The Pendleton Group; and Strategic Advisor, International Affairs, The Business Council of Canada

10:30 a.m. Coffee

11 a.m. Advancing U.S.  business interests abroad

  • William Reinsch, Scholl Chair for International Business at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and past President of the National Foreign Trade Council, former Under Secretary of Commerce
  • Lawrence Silverman, Ambassador (ret.); Senior Advisor with Albright Stonebridge’s Middle East and North Africa practice
  • Moderator: TBA

12:30 p.m. Lunch panel: Leveraging economic tools to advance US foreign policy objectives

  • Alice Albright, Chief Executive Officer, Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • Peter Harrell, Non-Resident Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and Attorney, Peter Harrell LLC (Senior Director for International Economics and Competitiveness on the White House National Security Council (2021-23)
  • Moderator: Gordon Giffin, Ambassador (Ret.); a leader in Denton's Public Policy and Regulation group