
Please register and join us for an Institute for People and Technology (IPaT) sponsored campus event focused on people and technology -- past and present. This campus event kicks off with a GVU Brown Bag lecture presented by IPaT's new executive director, Michael Best. His talk is titled, "Considering IPaT: celebrating the past and inventing the future." After the lecture, IPaT will offer lab tours, a panel discussion featuring distinguished members of the Georgia Tech community in a continuing discussion about people and technology, ending with a beverage and food reception. The event will be held in the Technology Square Research Building (TSRB), 1st floor on Thursday, August 24 starting at 12:00 PM with the Brown Bag lunch.

Details of the event can be found here: https://research.gatech.edu/considering-people-and-technology

You're invited! Please register here >>

Panelists participating at 3:00pm: (pictured above, clockwise):
* Margarita Gonzalez, Principal Researcher and Senior Technologist for Digital Innovation (GTRI-ICL)
* General “Phil” Breedlove, Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and distinguished professor, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
* Ruthie Yow, Service learning and partnerships specialist, Serve-Learn-Sustain
* Tansu Celikel, Chair of the School of Psychology, College of Sciences
* Kirk Bowman, Regents’ entrepreneur and professor, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
* Lisa Marks, Assistant professor, School of Industrial Design
Matthew Gombolay, Assistant professor, School of Interactive Computing
* Sabir Khan, Associate professor, School of Architecture

Maribeth Gandy Coleman, director of IPaT research will serve as the moderator for the 3:00pm panel discussion. Julia Kubanek, vice president for interdisciplinary research, will deliver the event's closing remarks. Pictured at left
is Michael Best, executive director of the Institute for People and Technology, who is presenting the Brown Bag lecture at 12:30 pm.