This year we are having our second Tech Topology Summer School. This years theme is the L-space conjecture and will run from July 24 to 28. There will be mini-courses by 

  • Adam Clay (University of Manitoba)
  • Sarah Rasmussen (University of Cambridge)
  • Rachel Roberts (Washington University in St. Louis)

There will also be an overview talk given by

  • Cameron Gordon (University of Texas, Austin)

and research talks given by

  • Nathan Dunfield (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Jonathan Hanselman (Princeton University)
  • Tao Li (Boston College)
  • Hannah Turner (Georgia Institute of Technology

There will also be a session of lighting talks. You can find out more at

If you are interested in attending please let us know (by registering on the website) so we can add you to the participants page and include you in e-mails about the conference. You can also apply to give a lightning talk at the above link too. 

All talks will be in Skiles 006.

More Info

The web page for the Geometry-Topology @ GaTech email list is   For information on setting your password, subscribing, and unsubscribing, please visit